Houseplants | A Company of Intelligent Plants & Environmental Services

In Houseplants, we work on Air Quality Purification Naturally and Organic Food Production, indoor-outdoor both for Better Nutrition for Humanity. The idea of establishing this company came on the date of 27 December 2016. When Er. Shashank Gupta saw the level of Pollution after the Deepavali Festival can't go down in Delhi the capital of India.

We develop and maintain the:

  • Landscape (an art and science of establishing a ground in such a way that it gives the effect of a natural landscape).
  • Vertical Garden (a garden in which the plants are supported to grow along vertical, often tiered surfaces, especially fences, posts, trellises, and walls, rather than along the ground.).
  • Room Foresting (a room that is hand-crafted to perfection to provide a stunning addition to your home and garden).
  • Kitchen Garden (a space for growing plants for everyday use in the kitchen. It can include herbs, leafy greens, root crops, fruiting plants, and flowers for pollinators).
  • Terrace Gardening (a garden with a raised flat paved or gravelled section that overlooks a prospect. Terrace gardens are common in urban areas, and can also be found in restaurants and other establishments.) which decreases the approx 5°C temperature of the terrace in the summers.

We provide Seeds, Herbs, Medicinal, Fruiting, Vegetables, Ornamental, Flowering, Potted Plants, Vermicompost, Cocopeat, Vermiculite, Perlite, LECA Clay Ball and Plant Nutrition.

We organize the time to time the Houseplants Workshop for those who are interested in learning the Art of Plantation.

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